I t was unbelievable that such den of depravity, deviation, horror and craziness as Internet did not had decent Demonophobia walkthrough yet. Pretty much there is only one game-related series on YouTube that I ever liked – Blood Let’s play (this particular play vanished somehow, but I found another good one – can you guess why?). On Internet, where everything is supposed to be (doubly so for fucked up things)! YouTube walkthroughs in general sucks, by the way. This in fact inspired my walkthrough – I googled for one and was surprised that there are NO decent walkthroughs. I got stuck in only one place (area 6 – I did not know that Butcher is supposed to get burned and freezed). G ame is simple and pretty much straighforward, annoying controls and hard bosses notwithstanding. We do not really want to speculate about other possible reasons to play it. It is so terrible that is actually good – in way probably intended by author: it creeps out player and is playable only with extensive use of Bile Fascination.

Saw is child playground in comparison, etc. It was compared to various other infamous horrors, like this neo-nazi propaganda gem. One can get impression it was work of rather disturbed individual (info abound on net claims he is actually Korean, not Japanese, but who cares about things like that.

Beginning of endĪ h, where to begin… Demonophobia is certainly crazy, horrific specimen of game and naturally most popular thing on this blog. Before we finish last article in this series to suffer for eternity in Hell, I have few words of commentary. I know this because the resource files were made available by the guys who translated this turd (I wanted to see the schoolgirl naked without having to play through to the last level, which I'm going to have to do now anyway so fuck it).Note: due to historic reasons (walkthrough first, review waaaaay later), this review contain spoilers. Did the creator think his 2d sidescroller - released in 2008 - wouldn't run fast enough if he didn't write his own routines in ASM or some shit?) or render his shitty backgrounds from tiles, which is extra embarrassing given that they're copy-paste MSPaint jobs - which I said before but it bears repeating. I'm not even a programmer and I know that. Oh and it's p badly programmed - there's a stupid bug in the very first room and the guy can't even mirror sprites (like, fucking seriously, Allegro or SDLgfx or SFML or any number of other libraries does this for you. So basically we're guiding a spazzy schoolgirl - who suffers from an inability to run more than about ten metres in any direction, for example - through a shittily rendered version of Hell for the dubious reward of seeing her be messily dismembered.